Sunday, June 5, 2011

How the heart & soul can ache over nothing at all still continues to amaze and astound me. While the ache spreads thru the body & completely takes over every drop of blood, cell , DNA, thought, feeling, emotion, & so much more, the spiritual part of my being, the only true & pure part of me screams from some corner, warning, encouraging, biding me to surrender completely & positively to Gods will and not give in to these negative emotions, thoughts and feelings.

The spiritual part, the true part, the whole part, finally puts aside temporally the feelings that are drowning every part of me & goes & lights the dia & camphor on my alter to dissipate the negative energy that still consumes my very being & surrounding.

Part of me is ashamed to even look & lock my eyes with the divine. Ashamed? Yes, because somewhere in the recess of my soul I know I should not give in to this despair. But the mind, the conscious mind is still lost in the throes of sadness, fear and disillusion. The feeling of not knowing what to do next overcomes every part of my being. And, still somewhere there is that voice that persistent voice screaming, “Don’t give in. DONT YOU DARE GIVE UP. You are protected, you are blessed”. All this is just as it’s meant to be.” All is well”. Then a voice from the humorous part of me snickers slowly,
“Yeah Aal Izz Well” the famous line from one of my favorite movies 3 idiots!! Boy am I glad that my sense of humor was able to sneak in thru all this melancholy!! Praise be the divine! Om Namah Shiva, Om Sai Ram!

Distraction, distraction, distraction! I want to scream….no I should do my meditation. Or shall I have a drink? Wine, vodka, or scotch? Yes I have the Johnny Walker Double Black which my sister bought for me from duty free. Ok maybe a few shots of yagermister or tequila then? No wait maybe smoke some dope or a cigarette? Food? Yes! Of course some dessert, chocolate, chips. what? What can I have or do to ease this feeling of sadness, desperation & restlessness? Or then shall I meditate? Read my Shri Sai Satcharita? Watch TV, a movie, or call someone? What should I do.???? Have sex?? Ahhh but herein lays that timeless, ageless question, with whom?!! Lol!!! Alas despair everywhere!!

Meditation is what again the soul cries for.

For now I have given way to food. How do I resist being a glutton especially when karai chawal and aloo zera is made! And I will be cheating you if I didn’t tell u that I had the same for lunch too…gluttony express!!!

Now that I have penned what I’m having to ease my suffering, my mouth waters and the full tummy growls for some relief. The soul screams "hey is stuffing your face really going to help”? And my mind, the conscious mind screams back loudly YES!! Hahaha! The truth we know is that it may! Ah! But, no not really.

Dinner is here so I shall excuse myself and drown my unwarranted worries in good ole roti n karai!!! And yes, of course the after dinner smoke & yes you guessed right, dessert too!


  1. You are so right - the humorous part of you still reigns Nikki and that perhaps will wipe all the other voices out. I will not advice you one way or the other coz Gods know I am far worse than you are even without all that you have to go through. Lots of love always ...

  2. Rib tickling post, Nikki...loved it and Mitr is right, no one can judge the others, live n let live...

  3. thank you kriti & Sulekkha!
    we all have our own path to walk!
