Monday, December 31, 2012

Universal Consciousness

A day of mourning!  Black Saturday!  What does that mean?

Does it mean that one forgets after that day? That the issue at hand  is only worth remembering for one day?
Instead it being called a day of mourning or black Saturday shouldn't we rise above our egos, material world and step out of our comfort zone, outside of our own living rooms and make it a daily remembrance instead.  We live in an era of instant gratification. I feel it now; I want to react to it now; Now! Now! Now! And then the fever ends, and we  forget. We go back to our mundane existence where we are safe and not responsible for raising social, global and spiritual consciousness. When did we forget that we are all a part of this universe? Why do we only react and act (& sometime even that doesn't happen) when it happens to us or to someone who we care about. Otherwise, it’s just not our problem.

To break another’s spirit is so easy.  Easy enough that we don’t even realize that we do it. To a spirit, to the soul the physical/ sexual abuse is insignificant compared to the emotional, psychological and spiritual abuse. The physical body heals….but the soul resonates the sorrow it’s been exposed to for far too many lives. It’s something that is undesirable,unexplainable  (Yes even to one’s own self). How does one break down and process the feeling of someone’s physical, sexual, verbal, spiritual, and emotional assault on you? It’s almost impossible!

The fear and angry dissipates. What remains is loathe and disgust. Mostly at oneself. The perpetrators actions Deemen , Insult, Snatch away the very being of your existence, of your soul. And what remains are just memories of a life you had once imagined for yourself. And the best part is that the worst still lurks behind every corner. The Snide Remarks, The Snickering, The pity, The anger, The hate, The disgust, The pathetic looks, The downward glares, The Judgment, The Assumptions, The Rejection, The Contempt. And the victim is actually OK with, and understands it in a dysfunctional, delusional way! Because most times the victim feels, looks and regards themselves like that. The mirror isn't something that she/ he can ever look into the same way as before.  The mirror holds the souls true identity. Thru the mirror we see past our physical body, our reflection and look directly thru our eyes to the core of our Soul. Our Bare naked truth!

Whose truth?
The one suffering is suffering. They have to go thru what they have been put thru. They have no choice. They have been stripped naked.  But, what about the Perpetrator (s) and bystander (s)? And by bystanders I don’t mean the one (s) who are present at or around when the assault is happening. By bystanders I mean ME, YOU, and US!  ALL OF US! Standing by and doing nothing makes us all the perpetrator (s) and worse. To will fully allow or stand by and do nothing while a soul is being destroyed, is a crime against all of humanity. When, Why, How did we adopt an attitude of, “it doesn't matter to me or affect me, because it isn't happening to me”? Don’t we see the damage we are doing on so many levels? We are teaching our children that it’s ok to let someone suffer. We are teaching our children, our youth our future, that it’s ok to disrespect another soul. To look away. Not Care. That it’s ok not to stand up for the weak, for the ones who can’t and/ or don’t know how.

A Valid question arises here….What if the victim doesn't want help?
The victim always wants help. But doesn't know how to get it, ask for it, and reach out for it. The Reason?  Simple! You will be judged, you will be told that you did something to bring it upon yourselves, that it was your fault, and the best one……YOU DESERVE IT!

Today along with billions (I hope) in India and across the globe, I am saddened, disappointed and disgusted to my very being. Firstly at myself, and then at all of humanity.  It would be easy for me to say that this happens only in India. NO. This abuse, lack of respect and disregard on the most basic human level for another happens across our universe. In every county, in every nation. And it is brushed under the carpet. Or discussed fervently and passionately for a few days, weeks, months…and (that’s pushing it) and then lo n behold we forget. We move on in our existence as if nothing happened. We treat it like a social meeting, gathering. We are completely there in that moment, for that day, for that event. And then, just like that we forget. Until it happens to us, to the one we love. And then, it’s too late.

The time has come for Action, not Empty, Hollow Words. But Action! Lip service is easy, talk is cheap. It’s our Actions that Matter. It doesn't have to be a big thing. The smallest act is all that is needed.  Help one, just one single person. Be a source of inspiration to others. Set an example. Lead By Example. Not waiting, wanting something back in return. Do it without a motive, a hidden agenda. DO it with Nishkam Karma.” To action alone hast thou a right and never at all to its fruits; let not the fruits of action be thy motive; neither let there be in thee any attachment to inaction.” The Bhagavadgita

  Have Empathy not Sympathy. Treat another the way you would like to be treated. Let’s Respect and Honor what The Almighty has given us.  Let us Rise above our own fears and limitations. The time for our Evolution is on hand. Let’s not slip back into our safety nets. Let’s rise and raise Universal Consciousness. Let us Never Forget the horror inflicted on Women, children and men alike, every single minute of every single day across the Globe. Let us build up from our mistakes, from our failures, from our weakness. Turn our Negative into True, Pure, Positive, Empowering Energy and Life Force.


1 comment:

  1. We all have a dark side, but even if one person stays towards the light, others follow automatically... Slowly but surely... Let's hope for such a change from this tragic event
