What do you do when you have been given the truest & purest form of love? The divine gift we spend all our lives looking for? The unconditional love we strife & fight for?
This gift made its way into my life when I was a child. No, I didn’t know at that tender age what a special gift I was given. All I knew was that I felt complete and whole when I was around it. Nothing else seemed to matter. Whenever that feeling was around me it took me to another place. The peace & serenity I felt I couldn’t understand nor explain for that matter at that time or age.
Over the years my SHER & SUL have left their bodies & moved on to a far more wondrous loving place. My darlings, SAINT, ZULU BHIA, SHADOW & BLACKIE all came into my life & taught me so much. And I will forever carry their memories with me! R.I.P!
My kid’s are getting older & I’m prepared for life’s next step (I hope). I’ve lost a few to know what is to come. But…. It’s never easy nor do I think one can be fully prepared for the loss. They mean everything to me. I’m incomplete without them. Each and every one of my pupss are so unique, so different, so fantastic. Words fail me yet again. How do I express & articulate how much they mean to me? Those big beautiful soulful eyes I can never get out of my heart, mind &soul.
My COUNT is sick today, & I can’t even function knowing that I only have him & the rest of my pupss with me for a short amount of time in this life. We all know that life has to end. But today its hit me like a ton of bricks. This life is so precious, so short. And we live most of it fighting life & not loving & enjoying everything & everyone we are blessed to have in it. We forget that it’s the small things in life that matter at the end & are what is valuable to us. It’s always about the big picture for most of us. And the truth is that it’s not, it never has been. Spend some time with a pup in your life in you will know what true joy & pure love is about.
All that I am today, all that I will ever be in all my lives has been & continues to be because of the powerful love I have been blessed with from all my angels, my pupss being right there in the fore front! I am a better and whole person today because of the love, and lessons I have received from my pup family.
I bow my head in gratitude to the Almighty for all my blessings. Especially the ones which are in the form of my pupss!
I talk to him when I'm lonesome like; and I'm sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth